Will There Ever Be A Perfect Time To Start?

As soon as the school year starts I’ll have a routine…

When this project finishes at work I’ll have more time…

Once the house is finished I’ll be able to focus on…

When things get back to normal I can…

The list goes on but one thing is for sure, life’s challenges aren’t going anywhere. Obstacles like limited time, low energy, long to do lists, and ever-changing circumstances are the constant. That’s why the “I’ll start when…” mentality holds us back. We don’t live inside of a vacuum and we can’t possibly control all the circumstances that might impact our ability to prioritize exercise.

So what do you do to fit in?

Break It Down

It’s likely that the idea of a perfect workout length makes squeezing movement in on a busy day seem impossible. But who’s to say there is an ideal time. Movement doesn’t have a magic “now it’s a workout” time requirement. Within the first minutes of exercise, your heart rate elevates, your body requires additional oxygen, and your blood flow increases so you are already experiencing the physiological effects. Depending on the intensity level of the workout, the warm up can be quick and you can accomplish a good deal in a short amount of time. Try to let go of the idea that your workout has to be 30 minutes, an hour, or longer. This will allow you to take advantage of short movement opportunities when they appear!

Simplify Your Set Up

Maybe your workout shouldn’t require a 30-minute commute to the gym. What can you have available in your house to squeeze in a workout? Dumbbells? A yoga mat? A bottle of liquid detergent? A great workout doesn’t require the newest or fanciest equipment. It could include a walk through the neighborhood, a YouTube yoga video, or a bodyweight circuit. And if you leave some of that equipment or your workout clothes easily accessible and in your eyeline during the day, you may be more inclined to make it happen when you have the time.

Ditch The “Do-It-Without-Help” Mentality

You don’t have to do it alone! In every aspect of your life, there are opportunities to get support and the same goes for exercise. Think of the progress you could make if someone had workouts prepared for you, guidance when it comes to form, and support from someone who is always in your corner. Added accountability can increase the likelihood that you will carve out the time. And that whole idea that you need to get fit to get a trainer, let that one go too! Great coaches will meet you where you are and are more than ready to help you start your fitness journey.

So, while it may seem like life will be calmer in two weeks, you could start something today and be two weeks ahead. Life isn’t slowing down, make sure you take care of yourself!


Are you eating enough? Nutrition as a tool for recovery.


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