Join Fit Fuel: a FREE 5-day challenge to help you never waste another workout because you don’t know how to eat for results!

Learn EXACTLY how to tackle cravings for good, fuel your workouts so you can crush it, and finally say goodbye to restriction to build your fittest body and start seeing visible results!

If you have been working out and struggling to see real results and you have a sneaking suspicion your nutrition could use some work...

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve put in the time, dedicating energy and effort to reach your fitness goals but you feel like one of the big reasons you aren’t seeing results is you are sabotaging yourself with your nutrition.

Then the Fit Fuel Challenge is for you!

You might be thinking, “Betsy, I think that sounds like me but I’m still not sure.”

I get it, so let me tell you WHO the Fit Fuel Challenge will help…

  • People who feel like they’ve tried so many diets or nutrition habit changes and nothing feels like it ever works

  • People looking to change their physique (maybe add some muscle or lose some fat) and can’t ever seem to make noticeable progress despite working out consistently

  • People who feel hungry constantly anytime they try to eat healthier

  • People who struggle to have enough energy for their workouts

  • People who feel like they can be successful with their nutrition for a week or two but find themselves struggling to keep going after that because eating healthier or for the goals feels super restricitive

  • People who feel like they should “look different by now” and feel like they must be getting something wrong with their food choices

  • People who feel like they have to start another diet every Monday

  • People who feel constantly stressed about every food choice they make and experience guilt around eating delicous foods they love

  • People who know they could reach the next level of their fitness goals if they had a little help optimizing their nutrition decisions

Here’s how it works…

When you sign up for the FREE challenge you’ll receive your welcome email! You’ll receive exclusive access to the 5-day course guaranteed to deliver the tools to help you transform your nutrition.

Each day you’ll receive your video lesson which gives you an actionable dietary tool and the BEST part; each valuable each lesson will take you less than 10 minutes to watch!

Complete daily “challenges” built around putting these performance nutrition principles into action and add it to your SCORE CARD! Complete your score card by Sunday March 24 and be entered to win a $200 Lululemon Gift card!

And on top of that challenge includes a LIVE virtual Macros Masterclass (Wed 3/20 at 7 pm et) with Betsy to help you sort out the science of counting macros, learn what YOU need to focus on, and help you build your PERSONALIZED nutrition plan. All who attend LIVE will be entered to win 3 free months of their gym membership (up to $150). Don’t worry if you can’t attend live, you’ll receive a recording.

After 5 days, you’ll have the tools you need to transform your diet, use your nutrition to take your work in the gym and turn it into visible results without ever giving up foods you love!

What are you waiting for?!?!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This FREE challenge is for anyone who feels like the way they are eating now might be holding them back from meeting their health and fitness goals. No specific nutrition knowledge is required.

  • For this challenge we’ll be focusing solely on nutrition (though we will be talking about how to fuel your workouts and recovery). The lessons will compliment the workouts you re doing currently and I’ll be sharing information about my BUILT BODIES program which is a comprehensve small-group fitness and nutrition program.

  • This is not a weight loss challenge because around here we focus on building rather than shrinking. That being said, if your goal is to change your physique this challenge will help you learn how to eat to lose body fat and then help you actually do it!

  • We have to eat ever day for the rest of our lives so performance nutrition is more of practice than a final destination but if you complete all the aspects of this program (each of the daily lessons, each of the 5 challenges, and attend the live masterclass) you WILL have 5 days under your belt and you will have all the tools to maintain that for the long haul.

  • Listen, I’m going to give you a little tough love. If you can’t make time for this then you simply won’t be able to make the time to reach your goals. You know I’m loving and don’t want to be harsh but these will take you about 10 minutes a day. If you want to reach big fitness goals, you have to shift your mindset to making yourself and your needs a priority.

    Here’s my tip. As soon a you sign up, I want you to mark 10 minutes off in the calendar for Monday March 18-Friday March 22. Then I want you to add the live Macro Masterclass to your calendar and seek out a babysitter or some extra help so that you can attend live. Planning ahead is such a huge part of fitness success so getting into this practice now will be super helpful.

  • I am wildly passionate about living in your strongest, most confident body and nutrition is a powerful first step. I’ve got a system that others simply aren’t teaching and I want you to experience a powerful transportation.

    This is a preview of what’s to come in my Built Bodies program and I wan you to get first hand experience with my coaching!

What are you waiting for????

Registration for this FREE challenge ends on Sunday March 17 at 7 pm et and won’t come around again for a long time!